Lead Java Developer - Rickmansworth UK

Highenergy detailorientedproactive and able to function independently under pressure.
WebLogic Web Sphere/JBoss
Expert in Java J2EE WebServices (REST SOAP) API Gateway Integration patterns Security standardsSpring boot Spring MVC Spring 4.0Hibernate/JPA concurrency and threadingCollections
Web application relatedtechnologies Java Spring
Web technologies JavaScriptReact JQuery AngularJS
API and Contract Testing usingREST Assured/Postman/Swagger/SOAP UI Groovy/Spring Cloud Contract
Functional testing usingSelenium/Jbehave
Test Driven Development TDDMethodology and Unit Testing using Junit/XCTest
Use of mocking frameworks suchas API Service Virtualization/Mockito/OCMock
Static Code Analysis usingSonarQube/Xcode Static Analyzer
Hands on with Jenkins/PCF orsimilar tools for automated provisioning of build and test infrastructure
Troubleshooting with SplunkAPI aids like Swagger/Postman and source control systems like Git
Intermediate knowledge ofMaven Junit Redis Oracle database SQL Unix command Shell scripting HTMLCSS JavaScript AJAX.
Understanding ofWeb/Application servers like JBoss Apache Tomcat.
Handson knowledge of toolslike Sonar Dynatrace GIT SVNRally/Jira CI (Jenkin / Bamboo)/CD Splunk
Strong communication skills both verbal and written with strong relationship collaborative skills andorganizational skills
Proven experience in SDLC & implementationof Projects