Service Manager - Property People Projects Refugee Resettlement Migration Service

Mar 15, 2025
Full Time
Not Disclosed
Restaurant Experience • Kitchen Experience • Dealership Experience • Food Safety Experience • Management Experience • Auto Service Management • Maintenance • Operations Management • Cash Handling • Leadership Experience • Supervising Experience • Automotive Service
The Role
Restaurant Experience • Kitchen Experience • Dealership Experience • Food Safety Experience • Management Experience • Auto Service Management • Maintenance • Operations Management • Cash Handling • Leadership Experience • Supervising Experience • Automotive Service

3 months contract with local authorities

Job Summary:

Working at a senior level you will be instrumental in developing our partnerships policy and people approach communications engagement models and operational service delivery framework in respect of accommodation and property projects for the Migration and Resettlement Service.

As Service Manager you will oversee the management of the property pipeline property preparation property maintenance and strategic property projects. across West Sussex alongside the daily operational running of the Property and accommodation pathway team. Working within relevant legislative frameworks guidance and protocols you will strengthen existing relationships with a range of partners enhance customer resident and stakeholder engagement approaches and actively participate in placebased forums to support the development of cohesive and inclusive communities.

You will work collaboratively across internal Council departments with District and Borough Councils Sussex Police and other stakeholders to identify property and resettlement opportunities and provide subject matter expertise on accommodation matters for the Refugee Resettlement and Migration service across the organisation and wider partnership.

You will lead and develop your team to deliver a highquality tenancy management service providing a fair accessible and consistent approach which increases safeguarding and robustly challenges exploitation and harm to ensure a safe living environment for residents. You will be responsible for meeting performance objectives and ensuring compliance with relevant policy guidance and legislation.

This highprofile role will entail making connections across partner agencies and council departments to tackle inequality maximise engagement and facilitate the inclusion of the voice of migrated communities across organisations. You will ensure that the County Council is fully compliant with statutory duties in respect of the management of property management.

You will drive forward operational improvements ensure development and implementation of relevant policies and strategies and negotiate opportunities to embed learning and best practice across the Migration and Resettlement accommodation pathway team as well as across the other place based partnership and community resilience activity workstreams that fall within your remit.

Key Duties (Sample):

Lead the team to develop and implement strategies policies guidance and actions to deliver a highquality accommodation pathway service taking account of the views of stakeholders service demands risks and rewards and financial constraints. Apply complex theories and detailed technical knowledge to devise approaches from first principles.

Provide expert assertive advice and guidance on accommodation for Migrated communities across the organisation and wider partnership landscape. Tackle difficult technical professional resource or people related problems; for example understanding and working to reduce the impact of inequalities and inaccessibility on other service areas within WSCC or partner organisations.

Oversee the management of the accommodation portfolio ensuring an appropriate role is maintained and that residents receive the support they need to sustain their accommodation and ensure community cohesion within the local community.

Maintain links with service providers in the county to ensure the development of relevant provision of specific services for Migrated communities.

Develop effective relationships with managers or partners across the wider organisation and external stakeholders. Working with advising and influencing key stakeholders including Members senior managers and other key partners. Building and sustaining both national and local networks and partnerships contributing to a range of place based activities across West Sussex which support communities to be safer stronger and more resilient by providing opportunities and initiatives to enhance cohesion and enable active participation in civil society.

Ensure effective and efficient management of resources including staff. Ensure smart operational resource deployment and recommend future resource needs over the short term and medium term including identifying efficiency opportunities to improve customer service reduce costs and maximise income recovery levels. Be an active member of the Refugee Resettlement and Migration Service Management Team leading service improvement and multidisciplinary or cross Directorate activities as appropriate.

Analyse and evaluate complex information and identify innovative solutions to enable West Sussex to be at the forefront of these linked agendas submitting external funding bids and engaging in partnership collaboration to test new ideas and approaches

Meet statutory national and local obligations through own work and managed staff including health & safety requirements oversight of fees and charges and tenancy management practices.

Responsible for quantifying and monetising the impact of policy and practice improvements to the Refugee Resettlement and Migration Service budget to demonstrate impact. Develop the shape of future service provision and budgets typically planning on a time horizon of three years.

Essential Experience and Qualification:

Effective management skills able to provide direction and leadership manage and lead change support individuals and teams manage budgets and undertake business planning and performance management.

Postgraduate/professional qualification in management or the service specialism; or equivalent level of significant experience demonstrating comprehensive application of knowledge in a relevant setting.

Significant recent and relevant experience in delivering customer facing services for communities or working within the field of housing/accommodation support or similar discipline.

Additional information to note:

This position is located in Chichester