Sales Manager in Hammersmith - Global Gym Brand

Mar 15, 2025
Full Time
Love Recruitment
Not Disclosed
Bluetooth • Electrical & Automation • Logistics & Supply Chain Management • Control Engineering • Administration And Secretarial
The Role
Bluetooth • Electrical & Automation • Logistics & Supply Chain Management • Control Engineering • Administration And Secretarial
pSales Manager in Hammersmith Industry giant!ppstrongk bonus incredible benefits & progressionstrongbopportunitiesbppI am recruiting for a fantastic fitness job in Hammersmith for on of the worlds most recognisablefitness clubs for their recently opened site This is a fitness job not to be missedbrppThis is a very handson management role within the fitness industry and encompasses many areas that can be covered in more detail when you connect with one of our fitness recruitment team However the key responsibilities arepulliTo drive positive member movement focusing on driving new sales from activity inside & outside of the gymliliTraining the wider team to improve confidence and performance of sales processliliImplement strategies to increase lead generation both internally and externallyliliDriving all revenue lines from membership sales to product & secondary to drive profitabilityliliBuild key relationships with local businesses to evolve local partnershipsliliPrepare and deliver monthly sales presentations to wider management teamliulpppstrongWhat are we looking forstrongbrpulliPassion for health fitness and wellnessliliStrong leadership qualitiesliliAdaptability in communication styleliliA positive solutions driven mindset in the face of adversityliliA member champion mentality with exceptional interpersonal skillsliliDriven and ambitious with a keen desire to learn and develop both behaviours and competencies specific to the roleliliFlexibility in working hours and location to support the needs of the business including weekends and Bank Holidays when requiredliulpbrbrpululpThis fitness job can develop significantly and there are considerable examples of this happening consistently over time and all over the country The next step from this role would be progression to a larger general manager position for more experience or a cluster manager positionppstrongYour recruiter for this role is Cam Bridger Account Director at Love Recruitmentstrong and can be contacted simply by applying for this role below Love Recruitment are a fitness recruitment agency specialising in hundreds of fitness jobs like these Becky is a health and fitness recruitment specialist for the whole fitness sector and if keen to considered please apply nowppppWe are here to support recruitment in the fitness industry and have produced videos on CV writing interview preparation guides to fitness jobs and many more that can be seen on our blogs or on our YouTube channel click on a couple of examples below to check them outppppOnly applicants meeting the strict criteria outlined above will be contacted as part of the shortlisting processppppstrongVideosstrongppCV Writing a hrefhttpsyoutubeCWgVTOjIbhttpsyoutubeCWgVTOjIbappInterview Preparation a hrefhttpsyoutubeAROFccAkZchttpsyoutubeAROFccAkZcappFind many more at a hrefhttpswwwyoutubecomchannelUCTNecMamgJSXJfCYjSQvideoshttpswwwyoutubecomchannelUCTNecMamgJSXJfCYjSQvideosappppstrongBlogsstrongppInterview Prep a hrefhttpswwwloverecruitmentgroupcomblogpoststhedefinitiveguidetoaninterviewinthefitnessindustryforyourdreamhealthandfitnessjobhttpswwwloverecruitmentgroupcomblogpoststhedefinitiveguidetoaninterviewinthefitnessindustryforyourdreamhealthandfitnessjobappWhy Work in Fitness a hrefhttpswwwloverecruitmentgroupcomblogpostswhyworkinfitnessthedefinitiveguidehttpswwwloverecruitmentgroupcomblogpostswhyworkinfitnessthedefinitiveguideappppppppbrp