The Role
pstrongPret A Manger BaristastrongppA Pret strongBarista strongworks as part of a team in a Pret shop to ensure all Barista prepared drinks are served to the required Pret standardppThe Barista role ensures excellent Barista prepared drinks quality knowledge understanding and amazing service with Pret Buzz The Barista ensures efficient back counter operation cleanliness maintenance and team training The role guarantees that customers always receive the drink they expectppThe Barista is an integral part of the shop team and will be expected to carry out Team Member Star duties as appropriate to business needsppppstrongRight Pret People Barista Prepared Drink TrainingstrongpulliTo coach and train Team Member Star Coffee and Baristas in Training on Barista Prepared Drinks and standardsliliTo liaise with the TMT to ensure all Barista prepared drink training is planned and carried out as appropriateliliTo carry out Coffee team briefs and attend any relevant meetings courses and conferences relating to Barista Prepared Drinks when appropriateliliTo ensure all hot drink training material is available and up to dateliliTo follow Prets dress code and be immaculately presented always wearing the correct Barista uniformliulpstrongAmazing Service Creating Pret BuzzstrongpulliTo positively engage with customers and the team about Prets Coffee Story and Coffee Menu to ensure Pret BuzzliliTo call down the queue to bust queuesliliTo serve Barista Prepared Drinks within a reasonable timeliliTo ensure coffee calling is clear appropriate and consistent to the customers and teamliliTo wow customers with latte artliulpstrongDelicious Food & Drink Excellent Barista Prepared Drinks quality & knowledgestrongpulliTo make all Barista Prepared Drinks to Pret standardsliliTo role model Coffee knowledge and to maintain an understanding about Prets Barista Prepared Drinks and standardsliliTo be able to communicate with confidence key messages about Prets Barista Prepared Drinks and standardsliliTo maintain milk quality and Coffee quality through tasting and weighing relevant Barista Prepared DrinksliliTo be responsible for the results of Coffee Confidence visits and the coffee sections of the Mystery Shopper and D ReviewliliTo role model Barista prepared drink standard updates and new product launchesliliTo report any Barista prepared drink ingredient quality issues to your ManagerliliTo role model an understanding of Barista Prepared Drinks in other retailers to be familiar with the different product namesliulpstrongWell Loved Shop Barista prepared drink counter operation cleanliness & maintenancestrongpulliTo maintain the Barista Prepared Drinks equipment Barista box and daily & weekly checks to Pret standardsliliTo view the Barista Prepared Drinks counter through a customers eyes and clean as you go!liliTo role model the point check to ensure you are set for successliliTo carry out log checks thermometer calibrations and dribble tests in line with Pret standardsliliTo role model all aspects of health & safety in accordance with the law and Pret standardsliliTo role model aspects of food safety in accordance with the law and Pret standardsliliI am responsible for ensuring I follow Food Safety Standards and for the Health and Safety of myself my team and customers I complete all training to enable me to understand the Pret standards and safety processes I must follow I ensure I follow these processes at all times I immediately tell my Manager when I believe standards or processes are not being metliulpstrongShop Profitability Barista Prepared Drinks waste controlstrongpulliTo manage the waste levels of Barista prepared drink ingredientsliliTo action any issues relating to stock variances and waste for Barista Prepared Drinks as required by your ManagerliulpstrongGrowing Sales Maximising Barista Prepared Drinks SalesstrongpulliTo have a weekly sales target and share this with the teamliliTo know your shop Barista Prepared Drinks sales versus total sales and the mixliliTo ensure sufficient stocks of Barista prepared drink ingredients packaging and small equipmentliliTo use promotional waste to sample and recognise regular customers with appropriate volume of drinks via Joy of Pretliul