Data AnalystAnalytics Engineer Contractor

Data Analytics • Microsoft Access • SQL • Power BI • R • Data Visualization • Tableau • Data Management • Data Mining • SAS • Data Analysis Skills • Analytics
The Role
Data Analytics • Microsoft Access • SQL • Power BI • R • Data Visualization • Tableau • Data Management • Data Mining • SAS • Data Analysis Skills • Analytics
pstrong Term strongmonth rolling days a weekppstrongstrong strongRole Compstrong per daypululpIf youve been looking to join a fastgrowing topquality startup whose mission is to make the world a better place look no further phOur MissionhpOur mission at Percent is to power purpose in every organisation worldwide We are already working with industry giants like Google LinkedIn Asana and more We proudly donated over $m in ppNow were setting our sights even higher aiming to facilitate over $m of donations to good causes worldwide in To achieve this ambitious goal were seeking the most talented people out there we hope this could be youppBacked by investors who invested in the likes of Stripe Airbnb & HubSpot its time for you to join us and make a huge positive impact on the world ppstrongApply Now and come build a better world with us at Percentstrong brphJoin our hypergrowth startup and make a difference as Data Analyst Analytics Engineer (Contractor)hpAs a member of a newly created small team of superachievers youll assist a data analystengineer who works one day a week to start setting up the foundations for the data department by building the initial dashboards of other departmentsppThe job will require communicating with various stakeholders to understand their needs and create easytouse dashboards allowing them to be more efficientppstrongApply Now and come build a better world with us at Percentstrong strongbrstrongphAs Data Analyst Analytics Engineeryour mission will be tohpFuel Percents success with your exceptional talent as we strive to make a lasting impact collaborating with leading companies and transforming nonprofits with cuttingedge technology solutions doing things such asbrpulliUnderstand business logicdomainsrulesbrliliImplement dashboards for various requirements of various departmentsbrliliDBT modellingbrliliIdentify and resolve data quality issuesli ulpstrongAfter month success will look likestrongpulliStakeholders feel like they are on their way to becoming datadrivenliliData is automated up to date and being used to drive decisionsliulhThis role is a perfect match for you if you havehulliA deep passion for allthings dataliliA love of working in a fastpaced and dynamic environmentlilia hrefhttpstwittercomgeorgemackstatuslangenHigh agencyaliliA profound desire to make a positive impact on the world and contribute to a better futureliulululul ulhBonus points but not required if you have knowledge or love of or have beenhulliQuicksightliulhAbout ushp Feel free to read our a hrefhttpspoweredbypercentcomblogsupersecretplanpartstrongSuper Secret Plan Part stronga to get a sense of why we do what we do Ready to build a huge organisation and change the world for good strongLets do thisstrongphOUR PLEDGE TO DIVERSITY EQUITY & INCLUSIONhpWe take pride in our diverse and growing team representing nationalities across continents ! Our continued expansion provides us with opportunities to embrace and celebrate different backgrounds perspectives and experiences essential to our success We actively seek and welcome applicants from all walks of life regardless of race religion colour national origin gender sexual orientation age marital status veteran status or disability statusppstrongA team that well represents the world that we are trying to support is a wiser more knowledgeable and stronger one Were excited for you to bring your experience yourself & special a hrefhttpspoweredbypercentcomaboutlemon twista to Percent to propel us forward in striving to create a better world for us allstrongppCheck out our stronga hrefhttpspercentteamtailorcom#jobsCareers Pageastrong for more details!brpulul