Cleaning Supervisor - Part Time

Bidding • Apps • Benefits • Corporate Recruitment • Android Development
The Role
Bidding • Apps • Benefits • Corporate Recruitment • Android Development
pstrongCleaning Supervisor Part TimestrongppstrongLocationstrongNorthampton NNppstrongSalary strong an HourppstrongHoursstrong hours ppTo supervise and lead a team on site to conform to the cleaning specification and schedules and carry out cleaning duties as required with a view to continuously develop and improve quality standards ppTo take a direct interest in the health and safety of yourself your colleagues and others who may be affected by your work activitiesphKey dutieshul liManage the duties of the cleaning team on siteli liTo advise the Helpdesk of any dropped shifts or change in hours in order that SmartTask can be updated accordinglyli liTo advise the Helpdesk of any order requirements to ensure the cleaning cupboard is always fully stockedli liTo advise the Helpdesk of any operational issues that need to be addressedli liCarry out cleaning tasks as required by the contract specification and Supervisor with agreed timescalesli liBe punctual and attend for duty as requestedli liTo achieve the highest standard of work with a positive team spiritli liTo continuously develop and improve quality standardsli liTo meet managers clients and company expectationsli liTo respond to any reasonable request of the company or clientli liTo ensure that products equipment and materials are properly maintained and storedli liTo use your initiative to resolve problems where appropriateli liEnsure that your appearance and conduct comply with the expectations of the company and the appropriate clothingPPE is always wornli liCommunicate any unresolved cleaning issuesliulhKnowledge and ExperiencehpstrongVocational and Technical Skills strongppemEssentialemppAwareness knowledge of Health & Safety issuesppemDesirableemppstrongExperiencestrongppThe job holder will be required to have experience as a team leader or supervisor ppstrongInterpersonal SkillsstrongppWhen dealing with client personnel and at all levels the job holder must use tact and diplomacy in order to get cooperation from client personnel and when dealing with visitors ppstrongResponsibilitystrongppemHuman Resource ManagementemppThe job holder is responsible for checking on the quality of their work and supervising less experienced staff when required ppemPhysical Resource ManagementempulliThe job holder is responsible for the care of equipment emcomplete as appropriateem whilst in their use whether the property belongs to the client or Pareto liululliConfidentiality is required on all matters that are attaining to Pareto and the clientliulpemCommunication emppCommunication is oral written and mostly internal with the site manager and clients staff Communication is generally straight forward From time to time the job holder will liaise with others working inside of the clients sites or areas of responsibility and at times with visitors ppemLiaisonemppThe clients image can be affected by the job holders dealings with visitors and the media While in dealings with the clients personnel at all levels the clients costs and operational efficiency are influenced the post holder also has a requirement to liaise with inspectors and governing bodies that may come to the clients sites or areas of responsibility ppstrongMental DemandsstrongppemJudgement and Decision MakingemppWork is allocated to the job holder who in most cases decides how to tackle it sometimes with the help of specifications There is consultation within the team regarding the work plan From time to time the job holder is requested to change work priorities Routine decisions are made daily based either on personal experience own initiative or following discussions with the clients appointed contact ppemOriginal thought and problem solvingemppMany tasks involve original thought Common problems arising are usually technical in nature and are solved independently using past experience and knowledge and sometimes there is a need for design On occasion help will be sought from the Site Manager or Clients appointed contact regarding unusual problems ppemConcentrationemppThere is a need to be alert at all times but a particularly high level of concentration is required when working on machinery and specific detail needs to be paid to Health & Safety guidelines ppThe clients unique environment may require extra concentration and due diligence to Health and Safety ppemFlexibilityemppTasks cover a wide range of activities The number of interruptions daily is very variable These are always from internal sources usually the Site Manager or other Pareto staff Depending on priorities the job holder will either respond immediately or deal with the matter at a later date The post holder may be asked to carry out tasks outside of their general duties p