Principal Officer - Principal Planner Major Applications Team

12 weeks contract with local authorities
Job Summary:
To manage an application/enforcement/conservation & design caseload (principally comprising nonmajor work for applications) including making recommendations and handling any appeals and giving compliance/preapplication and general planning advice in accordance with the Council s corporate Core Principles Key Aims Service Plans Financial Regulations and Standing Orders and agreed procedures. To ensure the provision of a first class service to customers.
Key Duties (Sample):
Possess the necessary knowledge and experience to undertake the duties assigned to
the post within a specialist area.
Process a variety of applications together with giving specialist observations and preapplication advice. Undertake consultations site visits evaluation and negotiation in
order to generate high quality recommendations.
Undertake enforcement investigations appeals and submissions under the Planning
Acts Orders and Regulations including consultations site visits evaluation and
negotiation with applicants/transgressors and other interested parties.
Provide advice on possible breaches of planning control including obtaining evidence
negotiation with interested parties making recommendations for action following up
decisions on recommendations and instigating and effecting necessary legal proceedings
in order to pursue breaches in planning controls.
Prepare written documentation to a high standard including complex reports and legal
Prepare representations on behalf of the Council for appeals under the Planning Acts. To
prepare such representations in compliance with the timetables required by the
Government s Planning Inspectorate.
Prepare papers necessary for the pursuit of prosecutions. As a representative of the
Council attend Court to give evidence.
Provide expert support and advice and represent the Council as required.
Participate in projects targeting local or national concern and manage initiate and lead
on the projects at PO1 and above.
Work within changing targets and deadlines.
Represent the service at Committee working parties and public meetings.
Carry out occasional duties outside normal office hours as required and participate in the
duty rota in office hours.
Participate in the development of the Planning Service; and participate in the
development of policy procedure and practice notes as required.
Essential Experience and Qualification:
To hold a degree level qualification in an appropriate discipline and be able to complete a professional qualification related to the post held.
Ability to write and present complex correspondence and reports on planning applications and/or enforcement investigations.
Additional information to note:
This position is located in London