Finance Business Partner

5 months contract with a Southeast London based Local Authority.
Job Summary:
Adult Social Care Experience.
To be responsible for implementing the business partnering function for the specified service area.
The role is pivotal in providing strategic support in all aspects of financial advice for the service across the Council.
They will act as a partner with the service leadership teams to develop constructively challenge and support service plans and project delivery and take responsibility for managing and reporting on operational performance for the business partnering team.
Assess situations from a commercial business or finance perspective; provide appropriate financial advice to support complex business decisions.
Business Partners will work closely with all stakeholders to ensure best use of limited financial resources providing the strategic financial insight intelligence and support needed.
Respond to government and professional consultations implementation of best practice models and any other such requirements.
The postholder s primary activity is to provide an effective Business Partnering function to the council and to contribute to the development of the policies activities and service improvements required to deliver the function.
Business Partners will work to ensure that finance staff deliver to customers in an efficient manner within a professional business framework.
The post holder will have a body of theoretical and practical knowledge.
Provide advice and support which demonstrates depth of knowledge expertise and customer focus and be responsible for the provision of revenue monitoring capital monitoring budget setting (revenue and capital) MTFS setting closure of accounts.
The post will support the council s leadership at all levels and develop a strategic and workable response to the financial challenges the council faces in relation to the Services they are supporting.
Key Duties/Accountabilities:
To proactively lead the financial advice and support to the defined service area particularly with reference to revenue and capital monitoring including delivering savings and the budget setting and closure of accounts processes.
To ensure that financial information is relevant and balanced and is received by decisiontakers at the appropriate level.
To ensure that financial data analytics are used where appropriate to better inform budget monitoring and longerterm financial planning.
To work with services to ensure the accuracy of information input to systems and proper responses to system outputs.
To regularly spend time in the designated service to become an integral part of the management team within the service area and to develop and maintain a detailed understanding of the service area being supported.
Ensure managers within the service areas supported receive the financial management training required to be effective in their roles and are aware of Financial Regulations (in particular the responsibilities of the Director and budget holders/managers) and requirements for obtaining the necessary approval prior to taking decisions.
Continually review update and report on quantified financial risks and opportunities in the delivery unit or commissioning area supported advising how the risks can be mitigated and the opportunities exploited.
To advise the Strategic Business Partners of any matters that should be referred to the Chief Financial Officer in their S151 role on funding financial management and accounting requirements in respect of the portfolio of services which the postholder has responsibility for.
Working closely with the Strategic Business Partners to contribute towards the development of the Integra Financial Management System working with the designated service areas and the team responsible for the maintenance and development of Integra to drive improvements forward.
To lead manage and motivate staff through excellent communication professional guidance support and development in accordance with the council s policies and procedures.
To be customerfocussed and to develop selfservice underpinned by reducing finance support.
To provide advice and support to Members management board directors and deputy directors on the full range of issues within the scope of the job.
To ensure effective financial support to programmes and projects.
To undertake any other tasks duties and responsibilities as directed and appropriate to the grade and role of the post.
Deputise for the Strategic Business Partner as required
Essential Experience Required:
Accounting and budgetary experience sound knowledge of local government finance framework accounting principles and standards statutory requirements and relevant codes of practice.
Knowledge of the major issues facing local government understanding of the national policy context requirements and future direction for local authorities.
Good interpersonal and communication and presentation skills with proven ability to communicate effectively to a wide range of audiences both horizontally and vertically financial and nonfinancial throughout the organisation Sound knowledge of accounting principles and standards.
Experience of attending Member Committees and/or other corporate/board meetings Experience of financial appraisals modelling techniques development of business cases.
Staff management experience with the ability to lead and develop a team Relevant service accounting experience.
Experience of delivery of change programmes.
Essential Qualifications Required:
Qualified CCAB Accountant or Equivalent Relevant Finance Qualification.
Participation in Continuing Professional Development.
Responsible for:
Overall day to day responsibility for managing up to 6 FTE.
Providing financial management advice to service managers with budget responsibility of up to 200m.
Additional information to note:
This post is Inside IR35.
The closing date for this position is ASAP