Regional SHEQ Manager

Mar 14, 2025
Full Time
Time Management • area management • Financial Concepts • Management Experience • Profit & Loss • Microsoft Powerpoint • Operations Management • LIHTC • Budgeting • Leadership Experience • Property Management • Supervising Experience
The Role
Time Management • area management • Financial Concepts • Management Experience • Profit & Loss • Microsoft Powerpoint • Operations Management • LIHTC • Budgeting • Leadership Experience • Property Management • Supervising Experience
pDue to a sustained period of continued growth OCU Group now have a requirement for an experienced Regional SHEQ Manager to join our South East team ppThe purpose of the role is to take responsibility for supporting effective SHEQ delivery within the south east region providing support to the operational management team in their endeavours to keep our people assets and the environment safe from harm ppThe Regional SHEQ Manager will build and maintain firm relationships through direct line reports with key stakeholders including Regulatory Authorities Customers Industry Bodies Designers Contractor Management Teams and Site Operational TeamsppstrongDuties and ResponsibilitiesstrongppstrongOrganisingstrongpulliSHEQ guidance assistance to the Operational Regional Management Teams within their designated regionliliProviding SHEQ support for the development of Regional annual SHEQ PlansliliSHEQ Support for Regional bid teams Bid and tender SHEQ responses and SHEQ support for strategic opportunitiesliliEnsuring SHEQ support is provided within the set up and mobilisation of regional new contracts depots and acquisitionsliliLead role in the development and implementation of effective SHEQ Management Systems aligned to OCU Policy SHEQ legislation for the broader businessliulpstrongPlanning and ImplementingstrongpulliConducting suitable and effective SHEQ Compliance monitoring activities (auditengagements) in region and tracking the completion of all corrective actionliliMonitoring and tracking SHEQ compliance information (lead and lagging indicators) at regional level for trends etc highlighting concerns and providing key support in the development and implementation of improvement actions initiatives and plansliliDevelopment and publication of SHEQ communicationsliliEnsure SHEQ involvement is provided in worker consultation through attendance at Management worker and customer forums engagements Ensuring feedback is appropriately reported for the benefit of SHEQ management Systems initiatives and plansliulpstrongAudit and ReviewstrongpulliRegular update reports on team individual activities BU performance and improvement actions initiatives and plans liliProviding support for accident incident investigations in relation to incidentsliliEnsuring that accident incident reports investigations are effectively closed out with appropriate corrective actions and recommendations fully implementedliliTaking a lead impartial role in investigating serious significant accidents and incidents liliLiaising with management and external organisation in relation to the notification of accidents incidents and dangerous occurrencesliliKeeping SHEQ legislation guidance and OCU policy under review for potential SHEQ Management System Update and developmentliliDecision making authorityliliEmpowered to stop or halt operations deemed to pose risk of significant health safety or environmental breaches and impose sanction or improvement action accordinglyliliManagement of SHEQ Advisors etc under their control liliWorks in support of OCU Utility Services Regional Management teams to achieve good SHEQ performance standardsliliRecommends solutions in respect of significant SHEQ audit nonconformance adverse accident investigation findings or poor SHE performance liulpstrongSkills and ExperiencestrongppstrongBusiness KnowledgestrongpulliKnowledge and application of SHEQ management principles and best practice within a Utilities services construction operational arenaliliEssential Functional Technical SkillsliliNEBOSH Diploma Construction Certificate or equivalent as minimum and preferably Chartered Member of IOSH (or actively working towards) as minimumliliCommensurate complementary level qualification in Environmental or Quality disciplines desirableliliIT Skills capable use of Microsoft Office software suit (word excel etc) and ability to interact with company systemsliulpstrongPersonal Attributes CompetenciesstrongpulliGood communication skills both written and oralliliProfessional approach selforganised and motivated to influence stake holdersliliInterpersonal builds relationships internal externalliliDecision Making Problem SolvingliliAbility to develop and implement effective SHEQ Management Process and SystemsliliPeople management skills experience and ability in providing a SHEQ support serviceliulpstrongCompany InformationstrongppEstablished in OCU Group is one of the fastest growing utility engineering contractors in the UK with a long successful track record in delivering customerfocused civil engineering solutionsppWorking directly with many of the countrys leading bluechip power water telecoms and rail clients we are looking for the very best talent to join our growing teamppWe pride ourselves on empowering our employees and offering opportunities for them to take control of their own personal development and career progression in a supportive environmentppWe believe that being successful is a choiceppWe choose to be successfulppWe are OCU One Company UnitedppstrongWe celebrate difference and appreciate diverse backgrounds We encourage everyone who join us to be themselves at work and create inclusive teams in our workplacestrongp