Great Learning Opportunity iungo Solutions are running a Advanced Data Academy with FinTech Wales. The FinTech Wales Advanced Data Academy will help you develop specialist data analytics and programm
25 - 40 / hr (Freelance) CoachingCoding workshops from introductory to senior level You will be working in collaboration with employers and local colleges and universities, iungo Solutions has develo
25 - 40 / hr (Freelance) CoachingCoding workshops from introductory to senior level You will be working in collaboration with employers and local colleges and universities, iungo Solutions has develo
Coach - 20 - 25 / hr Senior Coach - 30 - 40 / hr iungo has developed an exciting suite of industry-led entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship courses. Working with colleges and universities across Wal
Freelance Position CoachingCoding workshops from introductory to senior level Currentlyonly weekdaydeliveries - no evening deliveries You will be working in collaboration with employers and local col
Freelance Position Coaching data and coding workshops from introductory to senior Currentlyonly weekdaydeliveries - no evening deliveries You will be working in collaboration with employers and local
Freelance Position Currentlyonly weekdaydeliveries - no evening deliveries CoachingCoding workshops from introductory to senior level You will be working in collaboration with employers and local col